In order to ease the process of obtaining many of the approvals that are necessary in order to operate a business or improve commercial property in Pleasantville, we have prepared this guide. City officials want to assist you as much as possible through the application and approval process so that you can get your permits quickly. We urge you to talk to the Zoning Officer during your planning process to get your applications organized in the early stage to save you both time and money. The City wants to work with you to get your permits as soon as possible, but they can only help you if you comply with the provisions of the various codes. Most of these codes are based on Federal or State statutes and regulations, but are enforced locally. They are essentially the same for every community in the State.
Again, we emphasize that you make an appointment with the Zoning Officer in your early planning stage. The zoning official is located in the City Hall Annex, 132 West Washington Avenue(609) 484-3614. When you see him, tell him what improvements you wish to undertake and as much as you can about your business operation and requirements. Before you meet with him, it will probably be helpful to you to prepare a concept sketch of your floor plan, an outline of what you want to do and a survey of your property. Bring these items with you when you meet the Zoning Officer so that you will be able to cover completely all of the things that you need and want for your business.
This handbook is made possible by a grant from the Pleasantville Urban Enterprise Zone.
Make an appointment with the City Zoning Officer. His office is located at City Hall Annex, 132 West Washington Avenue. He will give you the forms that are necessary to apply for the various approvals and permits that are necessary to open your business and to explain the process to you. His telephone number is (609) 484-3614.
The Land Use Application is to be filed with the Zoning Office. Application forms can be obtained at the Zoning Office in City Hall Annex, 132 West Washington Avenue. In general, this Application is to determine if your business will comply with the Zoning Ordinance. It is important that you fully answer all the questions. If you fail to do so, the Zoning Officer can only rely on what you tell him on the application. If later he finds that what you are doing doesn't conform with your application, he may take action to prevent you from commencing or continuing your business until you comply with all Municipal requirements, or until he may require changes in what you have constructed
If your application is denied and depending on the nature of the denial, you will need to: Make application to the Planning Board for Site Plan Approval or for a Site Plan Waiver, or make application to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for one or more variances, as well as possibly for Site Plan Approval.
If a variance is required, the Planning or Zoning Board Secretary will provide you with the necessary forms and fee schedule for filing your application. The Planning Board meets the first Tuesday and the Zoning Board meets the fourth Monday of each month. Since these are administrative proceedings at public hearings where legal and technical requirements must be met to get approvals, you may need, or wish to obtain, the services of an attorney to help you. If Site Plan Approval is required, you may need to have a licensed professional engineer and/or New Jersey licensed architect prepare your plans. All applicants are required to submit 15 sets of plans, applications, certified lists, etc. to the Board sceretary who will in turn have the plans reviewed by the Land Use committee for completeness. Once deemed complete by the said committee, the applicant will be notified anda hearing date given. Telephone No. (609) 677-4805 and Fax No. (609) 677-4804.
For an existing building or office, a continued Permit of Occupancy Inspection must be applied for and a certificate evidencing compliance with local zoning, health and safety codes must be obtained. Application is made in the Building Department at City Hall. The inspection of the building or office to be occupied must show that it is in conformance with the Property Maintenance Code. If the business is a Change of Use, the entire structure may have to be upgraded to meet all Building and Fire Code requirements for the new use as per the State of New Jersey Uniform Construction Code. This is a State of New Jersey requirement.
Mercantile Licenses are required for all businesses, trades, callings and vocations, except those that have been issued licenses by the State of New Jersey, excluding real estate auctioneers. Fees for the licenses vary according to the business and are governed by City Ordinance.
Applications for mercantile licenses can be obtained in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall and should be completed and returned to the City Clerk as soon as the Certificate of Occupancy is applied for. The application is then forwarded to the Police Department, Zoning Official and City Administrator for approval. This process can take up to four weeks. The office of the City Clerk is open 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, weekdays. The phone number is (609) 484-3612.
Building Permits are needed only if alterations are required to the building or space to be occupied. The waiting period for permits is 20 business days depending on the extent of the plan review process.
A. Major alterations and additions requires an architect's sealed plans. This will be determined by the appropriate Subcode and Construction Officials.
B. Building, electrical, plumbing, fire and elevator compliance inspections will be required while the construction is being done. (These are the major Subcode Officials).
C. After all of the work is completed, final inspections and approvals by the five appropriate Subcode Officials are required to make certain that all of the Building, Health, and Safety Code requirements have been properly completed.
D. Before you can occupy the building or office, you must be issued a Final Certificate of Occupancy.
If the business deals with foods, such as food stores, restaurants, etc. you must apply to the County Health Department for special inspections and permits. When you meet with the Construction Official or the Zoning Officer he will tell you whether or not this will be required and, if this is a requirement, who to see and where their office is located. The Health Department must review and approve construction plans when these types of business uses are proposed.
A. Contact the Health Officer early in the planning stage to discuss the layout of new restaurants or stores and necessary equipment for operation. The Board of Health Office is located at Atlantic County Complex, Northfield. (609) 645-7700.
B. Final inspections should be scheduled just before the establishment is ready to open, food should be stocked, and equipment operational.
Sign permits are required of business owners for exterior signs and any interior sign that may be viewed from the outside that is used to advertise the business conducted within the structure. Sign applications must be filed with the Zoning Officer with a drawing of the sign, the size of the sign, a description of the sign materials, and stating how many signs are requested and specifically where they are to be located. When you speak with the Zoning Officer early in the planning or conceptual stage, discuss any desired signs with him. If the Zoning Officer denies you a permit for the sign or signs that you requested, you may apply to the Planning Board for Approval. If signs are thereafter modified or altered, new applications and approvals must be obtained from the Zoning Offices.
Annual Fire Code Compliance Inspections and fees are required for each business. Certain Life Hazard Uses are regulated by the State of New Jersey as set forth in the Uniform Fire Code. Call the Pleasantville Fire Department at (609) 484-3667.
All elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters and similar devices are required to be inspected. Fees far these inspections are required and vary as to the type of device involved. These inspections are conducted by the Department of Community Affairs.
The Land Use Application is to be filed with the Zoning Office. Application forms can be obtained at the Zoning Office in City Hall Annex, 132 West Washington Avenue. In general, this application is to determine if your business will comply with the Zoning Ordinance and whether zoning approval can be granted without documentation or approvals. It is important that you fully answer all the questions. If you fail to do so, the Zoning Officer can only rely on what you tell him on the application. If later he finds that what you are doing doesn't conform with your application, he may take action to prevent you from commencing or continuing your business until you comply with all Municipal requirements, or until he may require changes in what you have constructed.
Make application to the Planning Board for Site Plan Approval, or Site Plan Waiver. Application for Site Plan Approval must be filed with the Planning Board. The Site Plan must include an up-to-date property survey, building layout, parking and loading zones, drainage, landscaping, exterior lighting, signs, etc. The plans must be prepared and sealed by a New Jersey licensed professional engineer or architect. If the proposed use is not a permitted use, the same procedure is followed before the Zoning Board of Adjustment, together with the applications for the required variances. All applicants are required to submit 15 sets of plans, applications, certified lists, etc. to the Board sceretary who will in turn have the plans reviewed by the Land Use committee for completeness. Once deemed complete by the said committee, the applicant will be notified anda hearing date given. Telephone No. (609) 677-4805 and Fax No. (609) 677-4804.
After Planning Board or Zoning Board approval has been obtained, apply to the Building Department for a Building Permit. Fees vary with the type of permit, cost of construction and size of the addition or alteration.
Final inspection on work performed. A Final Certificate of Occupancy will be issued after all work, including on-site and off-site work that was approved by the Planning or Zoning Board is complete.
Make an appointment with the City Zoning Officer. His office is located at City Hall Annex, 132 West Washington Avenue. He will give you the forms that are necessary to apply for the various approvals and permits that are necessary to open your business and to explain the process to you. His telephone number is (609) 484 3614.
(Follow Land Use Application guidelines above.)
Depending on the extent of the alteration/addition, or if the business use is going to change, you may have to apply to the Planning Board for Site Plan Approval or to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for Variances.
(Follow Site Plan guidelines above.)
Building Permits are needed only if alterations are required to the building or space to he occupied. Fees vary with the type of permit, cost of construction and size of the addition or alteration. The waiting period for permits is 20 business days depending on the extent of the plan review process.
A. Major alterations and additions requires an architect's sealed plans. This will be determined by Subcode and Construction Officials.
B. Building, electrical, plumbing, fire and elevator compliance inspections will be required while the construction is being done. (These are the major Subcode Officials).
C. After all of the work is completed, final inspections and approvals by the five appropriate Subcode Officials are required to make certain that all of the Building, Health, and Safety Code requirements have been properly completed.
D. Before you can occupy the building or office, you must be issued a Final Certificate of Occupancy.
Existing structures are to be upgraded to meet Fire Codes as regulated by the State of New Jersey and are enforced by the City. Appropriate construction permits must be obtained to perform this upgrade.
Sign Permits are required of business owners for exterior signs andany interior sign that may be viewed from the outside that is used to advertise the business conducted within the structure. Sign applications must be filed with the Zoning Officer with a drawing of the sign, the size of the sign, a description of the sign materials, and stating how many signs are requested and specifically where they are to be located. When you speak with the Zoning Officer early in the planning or conceptual stage, discuss any desired signs with him. If the Zoning Officer denies you a permit for the sign or signs that you requested, you may apply to the Planning Board for Approval. If signs are thereafter modified or altered, new applications and approvals must be obtained from the Zoning Officer
Annual Fire Code Compliance Inspections and fees are required for each business. Certain Life Hazard Uses are regulated by the State of New Jersey as set forth in the Uniform Fire Code. Call the Pleasantville Fire Department at (609) 484-3667.
1. Zoning Officer - Land Use Application; All Zoning Questions
2. Building Department - Any Permits; Sign Permits After Planning or Zoning Approval, Certificate of Occupancy; Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire, Elevator, Escalator and Similar Device Inspections
3. Construction Official - All Permits, Final Certificate of Occupancy
4. County Health Officer - Health Inspections, Food Service Inspections
5. Zoning/Planning Board Administrative Office - Site Plan or Sub-division Approval, Sign Permit Denial, Variances from Land Use code requirements; Conditional use approvals
6. City Administrator - Development plans for new major construction
7. City Clerk - Licensing requirements, copies of municipal ordinances, sign and zoning regulations, Mercantile permits
A guide to help you along the path of obtaining the required approvals for improving business or commercial property in the City of Pleasantville.
Zoning Office
Jacqueline Amado-Belton
Director of Community Improvements
Telephone: 609.677.4925
Fax: 609.677.4806
[email protected]
Paul Jerkins
Construction Official
Telephone: 609.484.3614
Fax: 609.677.4806
[email protected]
Shurlana Stewart
Planning/Zoning Secretary & Zoning Official
Telephone: 609.623.3439
Fax: 609.677.4804
[email protected]
Housing Division
Telephone: 609.484.3633
Fax: 609.677.4806